Asics President's Day Classic
February 14-16, 2026
Omaha, Nebraska

 President's Day is a well organized and great event for all the clubs across the country. Incredible competition, fun to participate and watch for our staff and all our families. Our teams competed well, had some fun and enjoyed the "warm" weather of Omaha! You always know how to do it right!- NORCO Volleyball

Registration will open September 3, 2025! 

Remember it is first come, first serve, no pun intended. See you in February on the court! This event has filled up every year, so register early.

11's-16's Select Divisions: $695 + Convenience Fee
11's-18's Club Divisions: $695 + Convenience Fee
12's-18's Open Divisions: $695 + Convenience Fee

Acceptance into the tournament is based on date of receipt of your entry fee, completed entry on, and minimum housing requirements fulfilled. We anticipate reaching capacity in all age levels this year. We advise you to register early.

This event will have matches scheduled to start at 3pm Monday. Remember, a "scheduled" 3pm match on Monday will most likely not start until 3:30 or 4pm. Teams which leave early are causing other teams not to get their fair number of matches and we will take that into account for admittance into future events. 

All entry fees are non-refundable and non-transferable once you have been accepted into the event.

Select Divisions: 12's, 13's, 14's, 15's, 16's
Club Divisions: 12's, 13's, 14's, 15's, 16's, 17's, 18's

The format will be the same as a National Qualifier. Pool Play on Saturday & Sunday followed by playoffs on Monday. All teams guaranteed a minimum of 7 matches.

Open Divisions: 12's, 13's, 14's, 15's, 16's, 17's, 18's

The format will be the same as a National Qualifier. Pool Play on Saturday & Sunday followed by playoffs on Monday. All teams guaranteed a minimum of 7 matches.  Only 16 or 24 teams will be accepted into each of the Open age divisions. 

Acceptance into the Open Division is based on strength. If you wish to play in the Open Division, please contact Tony Carrow at

Sign your team up for The Presidents' Day Classic by visiting Entries WILL NOT be considered complete until registration on has been completed, we have received your entry fee, and minimum housing requirements are met.

Entries which are not complete do not hold a spot in the tournament.

The deadline to complete registration is January 3, 2024 or when the event is full. However, this event has always filled up early (typically around December 1).
Click Here to Register for Asics President's Day

Tournament Information

OPEN DIVISION is the Top Level of Play and will be organized into pools of 4, 6 or 8 teams with all teams advancing to playoffs on Monday. The top two teams in each pool will advance to the Gold Championships, the rest will advance to other playoff brackets.
CLUB DIVISIONS is the Second Level of Play and will be organized into 3 parts. Preliminary pool play, power pool play, and elimination playoffs. All play will be match play best 2 out of 3 games. The third game is only played if needed to decide the match. There is a tournament winner and awards for the 1st and 2nd place in each of the Club Gold Divisions.
SELECT DIVISIONS is the Third Level of Play and will be organized into 3 parts. Preliminary pool play, power pool play, and elimination playoffs. All play will be match play best 2 out of 3 games. The third game is only played if needed to decide the match. There is a tournament winner and awards for the 1st and 2nd place in each of the Select Gold Divisions.

All matches will have a paid 1st Referee. Teams are required to officiate as noted on the master schedule. During the pool play rounds the officiating teams are designated on the schedule. Teams must supply a down referee, lines people, scorers and ball shaggers.  
The Presidents' Day Classic tournament requires an adult coach as the 2nd referee whenever their team is officiating. Failure to have an adult coach as a 2nd referee will result in the lose of 1 point per minute for every minute the officiating team is not in compliance.
On the Last Day, the losing team will stay and help officiate the next match on their court. 
Failure to provide the officiating crew for your assigned matches could result in the forfeit of the first game of your next match; for every minute the officiating is late, one point is given to their next opponents - up to the 25-0 forfeit. The second offense results in the loss of your next match. Late is defined as not being at the court ready to officiate at the conclusion of warmups.

Warm Ups & Balls
Standard Warm-up Procedures will be used.
  • There will be no shared hitting during warm-ups
  • For all matches of the pool the warm-up time will be 2-4-4. 2 minutes for shared ball handling, 4 minutes for the serving team to have the entire court and 4 minutes for the receiving team to have the entire court.
  • Teams which are not on the court for their 4 minutes, must remain at their team bench and may not warm-up on any portion of the tiled surface nor in any spectator areas. (Per 2010 USAV rules)
Each team should bring their own warm-up balls.

Practice Times
Teams may practice at CHI Center the day before the tournament begins. Courts are available on a first come, first serve basis on the hour. There is no reserving of courts. The facility will be open from 4-8 PM for Team Practices on Friday prior to the tournament.

Event Streaming
There will be no live event streaming services at this event. Parents are welcome to stream matches.

Coaches Meeting
There is no coaches meeting at Asics President's Day Classic.

Athletic Trainers
Athletic Trainers will be available for the event. Athletic trainers will tape players free of charge, however, you must supply the tape. (Tape will be available for $2.00 per roll if needed.) 

Awards are given only to the First and Second place teams in the Gold Division of all Divisions.

Protest Procedure
If a protest needs to be filed it is to be done at the time of the incident, no later. The first referee is obligated to acknowledge and record all protests. Only the floor captain may file a protest. (The exception to this is with the 14 & under , 13 & under, and 12 & under age divisions, where the rostered team coach may act instead of the game captain.) 

The protest must be written on the scoresheet by the official scorekeeper or the first official, and must be signed by the person presenting the protest as well as the first official. All protests will be ruled upon prior to the next service. Judgment calls may not be protested. Protests will be considered only for situations outlined in the United States Volleyball Official Rules booklet. All protests will be handled by the protest committee.

National Anthem Auditions
We are looking for 3 great singers to start each day with the National Anthem. If you are interested in singing (solo or duet), you may audition on Friday, February 14, 2025, by visiting the Registration Desk at CHI between 6-8 PM.


Due to the request of the hotels in the Omaha market, and in order to insure we can get the best rates for teams participating, we have made the ASICS Presidents Day Classic a Stay and Play event. 

What does this mean to you?
If your team's home city is greater than 50 miles from the primary tournament site, your team is required to book rooms through our reservation system. By doing so, we will be able to insure an accurate count for the Omaha Convention and Visitors Bureau.

How does it work?
Register your teams on the Registration link above and then select your hotels on the Tournament Hotels page on the right. Once you have booked a minimum of 5 rooms per night per team entered, THS will automatically approve your team entry and confirm that you have met the housing requirement. Once payment for the tournament registration is received, your teams will be accepted into the event.

What if we are inside the 50 miles radius?
You just simply need to register on the Registration link above and once your payment has been received, your teams will be accepted.

If you are not sure, you can email the Tournament Director, Tony Carrow at

CHECK BACK OCTOBER 1, 2026: Click Here to Reserve Housing

Location and Facilities

Our main facility will be the CHI Health Convention Center in Omaha Nebraska. Lots of space for teams and spectators.

Demand for this tournament has been so strong that we also will be using the Union Bank & Trust Sports Complex with 20 courts and Iowa West Fieldhouse.

All Divisions will play at least 1-day at the CHI Health Convention Center. No outside food, beverage, or chairs.

Courts 1-38: CHI Health Convention Center
Courts 39-52: Union Bank & Trust Sports Complex North
Courts 53-58: Union Bank & Trust Sports Complex South
Courts 59-70: Iowa West Fieldhouse


Tournament Schedule 
The official schedule can be accessed on website. We strive to post schedules by the Wednesday prior to the event if possible, however sometimes last minute changes can cause a delay in getting it posted.

Team Officiating Schedule
Team assignments are listed on Make sure to double check assignments. If you play at 9:00 am match on the last day, you need to check if you are first officiating at 8 am. Check the results carefully.

2025 Saturday Wave Schedule

Division AM PM Location
11 Club x CC
12 Club x CC
12 Open x CC
12 Select x CC
13 Club x CC
13 Open x UBT South
13 Select x CC
14 Club x UBT
14 Open x CC
14 Select x IW
15 Club x CC
15 Open x CC
15 Select x CC/UBT/IW
16 Club x UBT South/IW
16 Open x CC
16 Select x UBT South/IW
17 Club x CC/UBT
17 Open x CC
18 Club x CC
18 Open x CC
Click Here for Schedule- Check Back February 2026!

CHI Convention Center

455 N 10th St

Omaha, NE 68102

UBT Sports Complex

21015 Cumberland Drive

Elkhorn, NE 68022

Iowa West Fieldhouse

5 Arena Way

Council Bluffs, IA 51501

Union Bank and Trust Sports Complex Parking Map

Saturday and Sunday Parking Map

Monday Parking Map- Please Consider Carpooling- Keep in mind that you may get towed if you park illegally.

Team Check In

Online Check-In

We are pleased to offer Online Check-in for the Asics President's Day Classic. Online check-in can be done from your home/office/mobile device.

All teams must Check-in Online prior to coming to the Convention Center to pick up wristbands. 

Online Check-In is much easier and faster than any type of in-person check-in and adds flexibility as to who can pick up your team’s wristbands and can be done from your home/office/mobile device.

In order to complete Online Check-In, your roster must be complete and verified. We encourage you to do this at least a few weeks ahead of time and not at the last minute in case you run into any problems.

Online Check-In will begin on Wednesday morning before the tournament at 8:00 am. Here is how to do it.
  • To check-in online, log into your club’s registration account in
  • Click on Teams (or Team Lists), find the team you wish to check-in and click on that team’s name. A team information box will open up.
  • In that box scroll down to the Event Rosters section. If you have a valid roster for an event there will be Green Icon with “Roster Submitted”. Below that will be the purple button that says “Check In Online” click on it and follow the prompts.
  • This purple button will only show up after Online Check-In begins on Wednesday. If you do not have a valid roster, the check in button will not show up.
  • Once you check in, the purple button will go away and you will be unable to change anything.
Upon completion of the online check-in process, you will receive an e-mail with a QR code for the team. The e-mail will be sent to the e-mail address on file with the tournament for your team/club. Please be sure your club account is updated with the correct contact information before checking in. If you do not receive the email check your spam/junk folder. Also if you receive the email but it doesn’t look like the QR code is in it, you need to check your email settings to display images. The image of the QR code is right below the Subject line, and it might show up as a tiny little box if your settings don’t display images.

This QR code must be brought to the Championship Desk (or other designated area) in the convention center and presented to the President's Day staff for wristband pick-up. The QR code can be on your phone screen or printed out.

Wristband pick-up can be done by anyone in possession of the team’s QR code. If a club director or a coach is not available to pick-up the team’s wristbands on Friday evening, the QR code can be e-mailed or texted to anyone else you would trust to represent the team.

Online Check-In will begin Wednesday morning at 8:00 am for all divisions. To check-in online, log into your account, scroll down to the Asics President’s Day Classic event, find the team you wish to check-in and click on the purple button that says “Check In Online”. This purple button will only show up after Online Check-In begins.
This QR code must be brought to the Championship desk inside the court area at the Omaha Convention Center and presented to the event staff for wristband pick-up on Friday at check-in for all age divisions. The QR code can be on your phone screen or printed out.

Player and coach wristbands will be given to team representatives on Friday afternoon between 4:00 pm – 8:00 pm.
Player & Coach wristbands are silicone and are removable so that they can take them off while playing. The only individuals given these wristbands are players & Coaches and they are not for sale to the general public.
A new wristband must be purchased if lost.
Teams are given wristbands for every player and up to three unique staff members on every roster. Staff members who are displayed on multiple rosters will only be issued one wristband for the tournament.

Roster Changes

The roster you submit at Team Check-In is the team’s official roster for this entire event and the ONLY official roster. Once it is submitted at Check-In, it cannot be changed.


2025 Admission Policy

3-Day Pass is $50
Single Day Pass is $20
 Tickets will be required for all spectators over the age of 6. 

CHI Health Convention Center
Single Day and 3 day passes will be sold per the schedule below. CHI only accepts credit cards for payment. There is a cash to card machine available in lobby. Plan to pay with a credit card. We strongly recommend that you purchase tickets on evening before play starts for the weekend you are attending. If your first action comes in the afternoon session, we recommend that you purchase your ticket between 10am & 1pm on that day.
Ticket Sales:
(3-Day Passes) Friday February 16th from 4pm - 8pm (only at the CHI Health Convention Center)
(3-Day Passes) Saturday February 17th from 7am - 8pm (UBT, TVA, & CHI)
Single Day Passes Available at All Locations Each Day. 
*Union Bank and Sports Complex & The Volleyball Academy wristband sales are cash first complexes. We have the ability to accept cards at both sites, but we have limited credit card readers. If you want to avoid lines, we suggest you bring cash to purchase your tickets. 
3-Day Passes are now available at all three sites and will grant admission for all locations.
Single Day Passes purchased at the UBT, The Volleyball Academy, or the Fieldhouse only grant admission for only the location that it was purchased for on the day of purchase.
Single Day Passes purchased at CHI grant admission to all locations for the day that it was purchased on.
Wristbands must be worn around wrist for entry. Ripped, cut, taped, and stapled bands are not accepted for admission.


The ASICS Presidents Day Classic has partnered with University Athlete ( to provide you with the latest and best program for recruiting.

Please visit their website or phone app to sign up for the service. Please note that for this event the recruiting package does not include admission to the tournament. College coaches will need to purchase a spectator admission ticket to the event. The price for University Athlete has been adjusted accordingly.

College Coaches

The Recruiting Software operates on most any handheld device such as a Smartphone, Blackberry, Ipad, etc.

Through this software, you will have complete tournament scheduling information, team rosters and player information and event updates. 

With the click of a button, it allows you to:
  • Flag players for evaluation
  • Identify new players
  • Rank and evaluate a player
  • Make individual notes on each player
  • Find the tournament schedule of all your marked prospect
See Colleges Attending

Visiting Omaha

Click on the Logo Below to find the best places to eat, drink and have a good time while staying in Omaha.

Contact Us

Tony Carrow
Director of Operations and Events
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